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Entries in police (2)


Police Motorcycle Rodeo

It's embarrassing to admit that there are some here at Mas Macho who can't, um, drive. It's shocking to write that down, really. But as residents of the Big Apple, it just doesn't seem practical, y'know?

But still, despite all this, that doesn't stop us appreciate those humans out there in the big wide world who can drive, such as Grand Prairie TX police officer Donnie Williams.

His vehicle of choice is the motorbike – one of those Police Academy monsters – and as you can see from this video of him riding around the course, he is absolutely dynamite at the whole driving-a-bike-around-a-parking-lot-full-of-traffic-cones thing.

There aren't any jumps, and there aren't any explosions, but somehow this is genuinely entrancing. Just look at him go... we almost want to shout "Fake!" but it really is real. Hell, maybe we should ask him for driving lessons.


Suicidal man saved after police give him a wedgie

The wedgie has for a long time been the prank of choice for schoolyard bullies - but it was recently use das a life saving technique by the LAPD. Wait, what?

Officers had been called out to reports of a distraught man who was planning to kill himself by jumping off the 13th floor of an apartment building.

And when they got there, the man - who was upset about splitting up with his girlfriend - was still standing on the ledge and threatening to throw himself onto the ground below.

After talking to him for a couple of minutes, officers made their move and swiftly grabbed the would-be jumper, who ended up dangling over the side of the building, as this video shows.

When he then proceeded to bite the cops, their grip slipped and one officer ended up clinging onto his underwear to prevent him from falling... and right there the life-saving wedgie was born.

The cops eventually managed to handcuff the man to a railing, meaning that even if he did get free, the worst that would happen was that he'd end up with one arm longer than the other.

Firefighters soon arrived at the scene and cut the railings to remove the man who was taken to hospital... probably to have his underwear surgically removed. Something tells us this display isn't going to help the dude win his girlfriend back...