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What is Mas Macho?

Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!

Entries in penis (6)


A Woman's Perspective on Fellatio

Oral sex -- the kind of sex you do with your mouth! That's the topic of today's "A Woman's Perspective," and what else do you need to know, really? Hear Asylum's token girl explains how to get the most excellent beej.


A Woman's Perspective on Testicles

Compared to the penis -- that swollen, attention-grabbing flesh-bully -- the testicles can seem downright unassuming. But despite their less showy nature, those two hairy globes still hold great potential for pleasure ... and pain. Watch Asylum's token girl explain the woman's perspective on your family jewels, and find out what they have to do with '80s cartoons.