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Entries in sports (4)


Bikes dance after crash

It started off as a fairly typical crash, a motorbike rider at Magny-Cours came off at a corner and his bike proceeded to unseat another racer...

After the two amateur riders, who were battling for the chance to break into international racing, had been unceremoniously thrown from their rides, the bikes came together.

The tangled bikes then began to twirl and spin on the track as though performing an elaborate Latin dance which would almost certainly have got them through the first few rounds of Dancing with the Stars.

As this happened, the dismounted racers were forced to helplessly watch their bikes' 'almost' sensual moves - though one, clearly exasperated, did make a wonderfully comedic attempt at stopping them.

When the bikes finally came to a standstill some 40 seconds after they began, marshals wheeled them from the track followed by the angry racers. And there wasn't one stumble.


Base jumpers scare us half to death

With most of the action-spectacular x-treme sports videos we show you here, it's merely a case of clicking play and watching the magic happen.

But this time around, there's something about this clip that makes you really scared. As in, hands-shaking-forehead-sweating scared, and it's all thanks to Chris 'Douggs' McDougall and his base jumping buddies Carlos and Dario.

Jumping onto the outside of an exterior elevator, they slowly but surely make their way to the top of Benidorm's Gran Hotel Bali before leaping off and pulling their parachutes open. As professional daredevils, they all land safely -- but still, we promise you you'll get the jitters. You know, in a good way.