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What is Mas Macho?

Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!

Entries in fighting (3)


MMA: All Nut-shot Edition

They're hitting below the belt and nowhere else.


Hot models demonstrate breaking the guard

The  KnockoutFit Girls are a bunch of sexy models committed to proving that when you subtract the shirtless dudes and add some girl-on-girl wrasslin', MMA fighting can be hot.

With one-liners like "slide it right between her butt crack" and the instructions about putting your hand on her hip to keep her from wiggling around, you'd be forgiven for wondering if this is straight-up porn,  but the girls never get out of those sneakers and ugly sweatpants.

Our favorite part of this video (which is part of a larger series) is when the girl on top keeps humping the girl on her back, as if that has anything to do with MMA fighting. (Well, you never know what goes on in those locker rooms.)

This will have you quitting your Crunch membership and taking off for wherever the hell this is.