Is 'Ultimate Tazer Ball' The Most Ludicrous Sport Of All Time?

Think 'Ultimate Tazer Ball' is a pretty silly name for a sport? Just wait till you you see it in action.
Based on an idea from Leif Kellenberger, this extreme sport involves eight players, a 24-inch ball, a 200 x 85 foot rectangular playing field and eight tasers. That's right, tasers.
If you take a look at their website,, there's an extensive and detailed explanation of the rules, but the main thing is this: you can only tase people if you're holding the ball and in the special 'shock zone'.
Otherwise, it's a simple game of get-the-massive-ball-in-the-other-team's-goal - it just has that little bit of extra-added danger thanks to the chance of being attacked with an electroshock weapon.
If you're incredibly excited about seeing the sport live, why not head to Thailand for 3 March to see their Bangkok match. It's going to be... shocking. Sorry, we couldn't resist.