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Entries in short (3)


Stop-Motion Ninja Fight Slays With Awesomeness


Who doesn't love ninjas? Here's a short stop-motion film about an old fashioned ninja duel by Oliver Trudeau.


Batman vs. Wolverine - comic book legends fight in French indie fan film  

Part perfume commercial, part cod philosophy lecture, part Fight Club, part French cinema stereotype -- "You can't stop me either with wine or with oath's or the weight of the years..." -- it's entirely fascinating, if not entirely comprehensible -- what are we talking about?

We're talking about the latest short from French indie film wizards, Atomic Productions.

Batman Deliverance features a Batman finally ground down by the never-ending battle with the thugs and ne'er-do-wells of Gotham City. He's given up his chiropteran brand of caped vigilantism in favour of the bottle and a little paunch.

Then something else happens and he ends up fighting Wolverine. Go figure.

And despite being shot in the weirdest aspect ratio known to man, and despite the moments of obvious shonk, it's undeniably impressive and certainly worth nine minutes of your day.