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Entries in shoot (3)


Basketball Shot From Helicopter

It's often said that taller basketball players have more difficulty shooting from long range, but tell that to the team who sank a basket from a helicopter hovering 192 feet in the air.

Frankly, this just makes Shaq's free throw problems all the more inexcusable.

NBC's "Today" show reported on the footage, which the hosts said seems authentic because of the multiple angles shown.

Explaining the timing of the epic shot attempt, team member Rob Bliss tweeted, "Check out this world record 192 ft. basketball shot from a helicopter for #MarchMadness!"

While the team claims the shot set a world record, Michigan radio wonders, "where are the Guinness people and their clipboards?"


The Coilgun Makes the Rubber-Band Gun Look Like a Kid's Toy

Yesterday we introduced you to the rubber-band machine gun of your slightly disturbed dreams. Today, we've got a 1.25 kilojoule coilgun, a homemade electromagnetic pulse accelerator that makes the rubber-band machine gun look like a tiny, shiny peashooter.

The video below explains (in worrying detail) exactly how it works. In layman's terms, it acts as a battery-powered rifle that uses a series of electromagnetized coils to propel bullets at alarming speeds.

The weapon was made over two years by the bizarrely nicknamed "Larsplatoon." Though this is an incredible technical accomplishment, it does tread a very thin line between "Good God, that is awesome" and "If he gets too good at this, I'm going to get a bit worried."

The demonstration of the fearsome microwave-destroying machine kicks off at the 2:50 mark in the video below, at which point your nerdgasms should be coming on thick and fast. Oh, and just in case it wasn't patently obvious: Please, please, please, don't try this at home. To be honest, we're not sure Larsplatoon should be trying this at its home either.