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Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!


« Bears Submit to Will of Macho Man »

Lopedog and his long hard stick. Note the scared bear in the background.
A measure of one's machismo is the ability to command into submission the will of another. Sometimes you must use physical force and other times a mere glance in the direction of a receptive female will produce the desired response. In either case, wielding a long hard stick can increase the efficacy of your commanding machismo. So much so, you can even control a wild bear.

"I believe that with your long hard stick in your hand you can force your will upon anyone, even a bear," proclaims self-acclaimed bear handler and, of course, critically acclaimed poet, Perod"Lopedog" Lope. "Once a man discovers their macho stick, there is no stopping what they can do if they are macho enough and in control of their stick. Whether a man is confronted by a wild bear or a hairy beaver, all will submit to the trained macho man."

beaver.jpgThrough quarterly workshops, Lopedog teaches initiate macho men into the arts of stick bolstering, presenting and thrusting. "I can't help a man find their stick, Ricky is much better at that than I am, he is a trained professional with very nice hands," says Lopedog, referring to fellow Mas Macho board member Ricky del Man.

Lopedog's workshops are open to Mas Macho members that have achieve a minimum level 3 machismo and test for 100+ testosterone levels. "Not every man can be trained to handle their stick in a commanding fashion. I handle my stick daily to make sure I am at the top of my game," concludes Lopedog.


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