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Entries in documentary (2)


"Brinicle" ice finger of death 

Hats off to BBC cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson for capturing this once-in-a-lifetime shot of an "Icicle Of Death" for David Attenborough's Frozen Planet nature documentary series.

As you'll find out from David's soothing voiceover, the underwater tornado - of a sort - is formed by the expanding ice above, which gives off extremely concentrated salt.

This salt, being heavier than water, goes to the bottom of the ocean, but does so in a way that somehow scares the dickens out of us.

And in case you were wondering, the footage was taken off Little Razorback Island, which is near Antarctica's Ross Archipelago. So next time you're down that way, check it out! Or, thinking about it, maybe not...


Bionic man with video camera prosthetic eye

When Rob Spence lost one of his eyes in a shooting accident, he'd have been forgiven for feeling sorry for himself. He didn't, instead he dedicated his life to becoming a cyborg.

And it looks like it's paying off, because the 37-year-old film maker now has a prosthetic eye camera which sits inside his eye socket and records everything he sees.

Rob, from Toronto, Canada, says he spent several years working on his Eyeborg Project with a team of engineers to create the unique implant which wirelessly transmits what he's 'looking' at to a computer.

Speaking to Sky News about his robo-eye, he said: "It wasn't easy, but because it's so like pop fiction, engineers had a lot of fun making it - without a budget I was able to do it - it was a fun project for these guys."

While critics point out that the cyborg eye isn't connected to his brain, it still gives Rob a satisfying Terminator-esque appearance and allows him to make films which quite literally give his viewpoint on the world.

The latest of which was a documentary into the world of cyborgs -- looking at how far away we are from the sci-fi images of mechanically enhanced humans -- commissioned by the makers of computer game Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Speaking after making the film, Rob says he thinks it's going to happen: "People are going to have the option of having superior arms, superior eyes at some point," he said. And as we know, many one-time sci-fi documentary, Deus Ex,technologies now exist.