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Entries in Deus Ex (1)


Bionic man with video camera prosthetic eye

When Rob Spence lost one of his eyes in a shooting accident, he'd have been forgiven for feeling sorry for himself. He didn't, instead he dedicated his life to becoming a cyborg.

And it looks like it's paying off, because the 37-year-old film maker now has a prosthetic eye camera which sits inside his eye socket and records everything he sees.

Rob, from Toronto, Canada, says he spent several years working on his Eyeborg Project with a team of engineers to create the unique implant which wirelessly transmits what he's 'looking' at to a computer.

Speaking to Sky News about his robo-eye, he said: "It wasn't easy, but because it's so like pop fiction, engineers had a lot of fun making it - without a budget I was able to do it - it was a fun project for these guys."

While critics point out that the cyborg eye isn't connected to his brain, it still gives Rob a satisfying Terminator-esque appearance and allows him to make films which quite literally give his viewpoint on the world.

The latest of which was a documentary into the world of cyborgs -- looking at how far away we are from the sci-fi images of mechanically enhanced humans -- commissioned by the makers of computer game Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Speaking after making the film, Rob says he thinks it's going to happen: "People are going to have the option of having superior arms, superior eyes at some point," he said. And as we know, many one-time sci-fi documentary, Deus Ex,technologies now exist.