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Entries in nature (2)


Would you chill out with some lions on top of a car?

Meet Shimon Levi and his feline friends, Sky, Kyla, Lowu and Angie. As you can see from the video above, they like chilling out on top of a zebra-colored car from time to time. So that's nice.

Despite having this video uploaded onto YouTube, Shimon here is pretty shy about who he is and what he does for a living - though we're guessing he's an animal handler. Hell, we hope he's an animal handler.

That, or he's some sort of lion whisperer. And if that is the case, Mr. Levi, fair play to you, because we're seriously damn impressed.


"Brinicle" ice finger of death 

Hats off to BBC cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson for capturing this once-in-a-lifetime shot of an "Icicle Of Death" for David Attenborough's Frozen Planet nature documentary series.

As you'll find out from David's soothing voiceover, the underwater tornado - of a sort - is formed by the expanding ice above, which gives off extremely concentrated salt.

This salt, being heavier than water, goes to the bottom of the ocean, but does so in a way that somehow scares the dickens out of us.

And in case you were wondering, the footage was taken off Little Razorback Island, which is near Antarctica's Ross Archipelago. So next time you're down that way, check it out! Or, thinking about it, maybe not...