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Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!

Entries in opinion (21)


A Woman's Perspective on Premature Ejaculation

For this, the final Woman's Perspective, our girl was under a lot of pressure. After over a year of bringing you her weekly take on such disparate subjects as anal sex, swingers, porn, Dr. House, glasses, video games, the Internet, getting laid, bachelorette parties, strippers, the G-spot, "Lord of the Rings" and Dutch ovens, she felt she had to somehow top it all in one final, explosive finale.

Then she just said "F**k it" and phoned it in like always.


The Ultimate Fighter - best under-rated reality competition program

It’s the same concept as American Idol — people battling it out to see who’s best. But in this case, if you lose, instead of getting a tongue-lashing from Simon Cowell, you get your nose broken or you get knocked unconscious. I mean, those guys have some serious stones. The mixed martial arts fighting takes incredible skill. Hell yeah, I like mixed martial arts — now you know. 

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