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Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!

Entries in premature (2)


A Woman's Perspective on Premature Ejaculation

For this, the final Woman's Perspective, our girl was under a lot of pressure. After over a year of bringing you her weekly take on such disparate subjects as anal sex, swingers, porn, Dr. House, glasses, video games, the Internet, getting laid, bachelorette parties, strippers, the G-spot, "Lord of the Rings" and Dutch ovens, she felt she had to somehow top it all in one final, explosive finale.

Then she just said "F**k it" and phoned it in like always.


Behind the scenes of Lucy Pinder's latest Lynx commercial -- it's hot, too hot

Lucy Pinder has taken over the reigns from Kelly Brook as the face and indeed the body of Lynx Dry. And we've got some rather lewd footage from behind the scenes of her first commercial.

We thought hyperhidrosis was the number one cause of "premature perspiration." But apparently it's actually Lucy Pinder, and she's sick of nervous guys foisting up her personal space with their appalling sweat, and is therefore a fierce advocate of antiperspirant.

If you're one of life's "sweaters" we really suggest you apply some antiperspirant before you watching this video.