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Entries in jumping (2)


Jumping up steps on your head

Until we saw this video, we didn't even know "jumping up steps on your head" was something you could actually do -- let alone earn a Guinness World Record for.

Call us old fashioned, but there's something about our legs that make them so suitable for jumping with in our eyes. China's Sun Xi Zhong begs to differ, emphatically proving us wrong by hopping up fifteen steps live on Japanese TV.


Base jumpers scare us half to death

With most of the action-spectacular x-treme sports videos we show you here, it's merely a case of clicking play and watching the magic happen.

But this time around, there's something about this clip that makes you really scared. As in, hands-shaking-forehead-sweating scared, and it's all thanks to Chris 'Douggs' McDougall and his base jumping buddies Carlos and Dario.

Jumping onto the outside of an exterior elevator, they slowly but surely make their way to the top of Benidorm's Gran Hotel Bali before leaping off and pulling their parachutes open. As professional daredevils, they all land safely -- but still, we promise you you'll get the jitters. You know, in a good way.