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« Website Teaches CPR the Sexy Way »

Thanks to Super Sexy CPR, there's no reason to ever again let a random victim pass from this life to the next.

That's because the makers of the video, which appears to be a viral marketing campaign for Fortnight Lingerie, hired two eyeball-exploding lingerie models to explain how to properly perform life-saving cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

One EMS worker who saw this demonstration of chest compressions was deeply moved.

"This instructional video is pretty spot-on," he said. "Now, please excuse me while I use a defibrillator on myself to snap back to reality."

They promise a sequel on June 1 entitled Super Sexy Abdominal Thrusts. You bring the popcorn, we'll bring the pretzels ... to choke on. Keep reading to see the video.

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