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Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!

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Dear Ricky, How do I get "the babes?"

Well, as you can imagine, being a man of such "masmachoness" I get this question all the time. For me it has never been about how to "get" the "babes" but more "How can I control the amount of babes that I draw to me?" This has never been easy.

As a dancer, I have to keep my body in tip top shape and this requires many sweaty hours in the gym with other well muscled, sweaty macho men. I go sometimes two, three, four times a month! Yes!

So as you can imagine, I draw quite a crowd of "babes".I think the key here is to find a place where you too can be alone with well muscled men and find your true "masmachoness" to draw from. After all, if you don't feel good about yourself, how can you feel others?

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