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Entries in Rossi (1)


World's First Jet-Powered Man Flies in Formation with Planes

We've been following the exploits of Yves Rossy for some time -- how could we not, he goes by the name 'Jetman' and was the first person to fly with a jet-powered fixed wing on his back.

Previously he's performed jetpack stunts including crossing the English channel, flying from Morocco to Spain (which admittedly didn't end well), pulling loop-the-loops and soaring over the Grand Canyon.

And now the 52-year-old Swiss pilot has taken part in another aerobatic display -- flying in formation alongside two L-39C Albatros jet planes.

Rossy started off by holding onto the side of a helicopter and being carried high into the sky above the Swiss Alps, before jumping off and activating his jet powered wing.

The daredevil then used his body movements to control his trajectory and altitude to fly alongside the jet planes at speeds up to 190mph for around ten minutes -- often just a couple of metres from them.

When he'd had enough, Rossy turned off the jets and deployed his parachute before sailing back to the ground calmly like he'd just spent another day at the office.