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« Mas Judo is Mas Macho »

Hie YA! Mas Macho announced plans for its new series of instructional self-defense videos today in a press conference. The videos offer detailed demonstration of manly self-defense moves derived from new form of martial arts known as Mas Judo. The purpose of Mas Judo is to enhance the physical capabilities of the everyday macho man, allowing its students to attain mas macho status.
The videotapes include step-by-step instructions and demonstrations of soon-to-be classic Mas Judo moves, such as Nami juji jime, a choke hold that will make one's opponent succumb easily, no matter how macho he may be. Also covered is the Kani Basami, or the flying scissors. While this move is illegal in most tournaments, it comes in handy when one's macho is in question.
Master Paulito Cebolla and Master T. Bone originated Mas Judo last year while the two were comparing drop kick techniques. Master Bone and Master Cebolla knew their skills, if combined, would rewrite the history of macho.
When interviewed, Master Bone explained the difference between Mas Judo and its source, judo. "For some people, judo is an art, or a sport. For Master Cebolla and me, it's a way of life. And that's why we call it Mas Judo."
Both Master Cebolla and Master Bone look forward to the future of Mas Judo. "This isn't some fitness fad," Master Cebolla said. "As the sun does rise, Mas Judo will help the macho man kick ass-forever."

Authored by Stephanie Bijou.

Reader Comments (1)

How would I go about ordering these videos? I don't see a link on your website.
July 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterRudy

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