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Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!

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Dear Ricky, Settle a bet for me and my buddy.

As a dancer, I have often intimately discussed training and conditioning with some of the world's greatest athletes. I love sport. But what is the most macho of the sports? I will tell you.

My friend, it is neither bowling, nor is it football, although there is much to admire about this brutish game of men in tights.

The most macho of all the sports is also one of the oldest-wrestling. I mean both the modern day Brutus Beefcake type wrestlers, as well as the Greco-Roman variety.

Where else can you test the true mettle of a man, than when you get him alone in a ring and can feel his body under yours? All other sports are for sissies and girls! Wrestling is indeed the most macho of games.

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