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Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!

Entries in military (3)


Second Button

There are certain choices in life no man should be deprived of, like who to vote for, what direction to wipe, and other stuff that doesn’t involve a-holes. Giving man a choice when it comes to his chest hair, Second Button. 

A new custom b-down concern from a trio of NYers fed up by button layouts that forced men to choose between looking stuffy or "flaunt[ing] their patch", 2B lets you control that and much more on an array of shirts designed to be worn in more casual, non-tie environments (which those who flaunted their patch at work are bound to see a lot more of). Made from 100% cotton in varying thread counts, each of their five base silhouettes can be tweaked in up to eight areas, including (naturally) the position of the second button (plus button & thread color), collar/cuff style and liner fabric, back construction (plain, box pleat, or side pleats), and bottom, which can be either rounded or straight, a flexibility currently not available to what it covers. Each style rocks different fabric options as well, including the Western (contrast shoulders, triangular bottomed pockets), avail in red/white/blue plaid and black gingham; the shoulder-/sleeve-epaulet'd Utility in chocolatey brown or purple stripes; and the low-collared Military (with double buttoned chest pockets), which comes in mostly solid choices like purple, sand, and "White 105", also the only station left that plays the Gin Blossoms.

To seal the deal you just need to supply your measurements, which you can either take yourself, determine during a Skype appointment, or get sussed for you at your place by a professionally attractive "measurement girl", a woman whose career choice most certainly involves a-holes.

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