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What is Mas Macho?

Mas Macho is a men's lifestyle publication highlighting the sexiest girls in the world!

Entries in macho (17)


Meet the Rubber-Band Machine Gun of Your Slightly Disturbed Dreams

Here's video footage of a rubber band-firing Gatling gun that's so utterly ridiculous and awesome, you'll be squealing in delight as soon as you see it in action.

It can fire 100 bands at full capacity, comes with a specially designed tripod to maintain accuracy and stability and is fitted with a mini Mag light so you can see what the hell you're firing at. (If you're firing hundreds of rubber bands in the dark, that is.)

Also, it's made of aluminum and has eight flippin' barrels to blast those rubbery bastards all over the place. It weighs in at 15 to 20 pounds and is definitely not -- and we can't emphasize this enough -- a kid's toy.

It'll set you back $500 and take two weeks (at least) to get to you, as it's a custom-built model. Still, that's well worth the havoc you'll be wreaking at your next Monday morning meeting.


Dude Manrod's Manly Tips for Small Wieners 

Dude Manrod is back to answer every helpless man's questions about their masculinity, like how to cope with the small size of their genitalia.

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